Playing an album list
<embed src="" width="300" height="380" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=380&width=300&displayheight=0&showstop=true &showicons=false&repeat=list&backcolor=0xCCCCFF &frontcolor=0x000066&lightcolor=0x3333FF&screencolor=0x6666FF&thumbsinplaylist=false &file=" >
gives you
As you can see, the playlist is stored in the same filesystem location as the music files (see sample playlist here).
The flashvars set all the tweakable aspects – color, positioning ect. You can view all available flashvars here on Jeroen Wijering’s site, and there is also a setup wizard where you can throw in various combinations and see how the code turns out
Playing a video – with youtube-like recommendations!
<embed src="" width="300" height="220" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=220&width=300 &file= &showicons=false&image= &displayheight=200&searchbar=false &recommendations=" />
When the video is finished, a list of recommended videos are displayed. Just like the playlists above, the recommendations are also generated from an xml file (see sample).
- The front preview image and the recommendation images already exist on the site. The Flash Player allows them to be jpgs instead of having to convert to mp4
- Again, the colour of the controlbar at the bottom can be modified by playing with the flashvars
- The controlbar is on the bottom because we set the displayheight 20px less than the height. If they are the same there is a nicer effect where the controlbar is inline, but then it gets in the way of the recommendations if you want to include them
Custom playlist from different albums
<embed src="" width="300" height="200" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=200&width=300&displayheight=0&showstop=true &showicons=false&repeat=list&backcolor=0xCCCCFF &frontcolor=0x000066&lightcolor=0x3333FF&screencolor=0x6666FF&thumbsinplaylist=true &file=" >
gives you
Here is the link to this playlist – note how we now have a ‘creator’ and ‘album’ tag added. We have also switched the thumbsinplaylist flashvar to true to include creator
Custom TV playlist
<embed src="" width="300" height="400" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=400&width=300&displayheight=200&showstop=true &showicons=true&repeat=list&backcolor=0xCCCCFF &frontcolor=0x000066&lightcolor=0x3333FF&screencolor=0x6666FF&thumbsinplaylist=true &file=" >
gives you
Here is the link to this playlist – the ‘image tag allows images to be displayed in listing, I just used images already on site.
Thanks to Jeroen Wijering for creating such a great player